Fundraising Opportunities
Earn $13 a box (slightly less if you are not a tax exempt organization) for your club, organization or other group with Cards for a Cause. That's 43% return.
The options for customers to choose from include: Four sets of handmade, three-dimensional cards; individually designed and embellished with coordinating envelopes.
Great storage boxes so you can find the card you need when you need it. A terrific value at 30 cards for $30.
You can't beat that value.
Download: Organizer Packet of Information
Your group will sell boxed card sets for two weeks. Order forms and payment will be collected and cards ordered. Boxes of cards will be delivered within two weeks of turning in your orders to be delivered by group members to those who purchased them. (Minimum 15 boxes)
Call or email to schedule your fund raiser or get more information.