Earn FREE Books
Did someone say FREE? ---
YUP, I sure did!
One of my goals with this business is to help people get some of the most amazing books out there for as little out of pocket as possible.

My preferred method of giving away books for free is to my wonderful hostesses. I am available to help you host an in home party or a Facebook party. On average I give away around $100 worth of books for FREE and another $100 at discount at EACH party that is hosted with me.
No matter which method you choose to party, I try to make hosting as simple as possible. I will give you wording to invite your friends and family, I will start a Facebook event we can use for communication with guests and I am available to help and guide you all along the way!
Home Parties:
Home parties have been around for as long as I have been alive. The difference between my home parties and the old style Tupperware parties your mom used to attend is that I make mine FUN! I have some fun games that we can play, we can share drinks or snacks of your choice and I am there to be a personal shopping assistant to all of your friends and family. At the end of the night I leave you with the amount you get to spend on your free shopping spree!
Facebook Parties:
Hosting a Facebook party is very similar to a home party, except we are partying ONLINE ONLY! This means less schedule conflicts (people can party anywhere they can get an internet connection), no cleaning your home, no snacks to provide and heck I won't even require pants (as long as you keep any pictures or videos from the waste up, we are family friendly after all!) I will still play some games, be a personal shopping assistant to your friends and family, AND you still get a free shopping spree.
If one of these methods of partying sounds appealing to you I would LOVE to party with you! You may either email me at amanda@WeReadTogether.com, send me a contact form by filling out the contact form in the menu above, or you can find me on my Facebook page and send me a message. Once I hear from you I will let you know when I am available.